Friday, November 22, 2013

Zoo prezi

As a group, you will need to design a prezi to tell about our trip to the zoo.  Your presentation will need to include:
  • Information about the zoo (
  • Information about some animals you saw ( or
  • Information about wolves--even though some of us didn't get to see them, I would like you to include some information about their habits. (  I included the link above to find some information about the wolves, but you can also find information from other sources
  • I would like for you to make at least 2 connections from our zoo trip to the book White Fang.  Something along the lines of "We saw this _____________.  We read about this _______________.  Explain how what you saw was similar to the book.  Think about things outside of just wolves.  Think about your time in Glacier Run and what you saw in the Arctic habitat.
  • There should be a LOT of pictures in this prezi.  Ms. Sauer also mentioned that you know how to include YouTube videos in Prezis.  If possible, please try to put in at least one video.
How to create your prezi:
  • You can login with your own information, if you have created an account.  You need an email address to login.
  • However, if you don't have an account, you can use Ms. Sauer's log in:
    • and the password is : Sauer2013
  • Once you have logged in, you can go here : to get more information on how to make your prezi

Friday, November 8, 2013

Homework week of 11/8

Here is the assignment board from this week.  There was little homework, aside from the Science Fair proposal.  Everyday that we read in class, they students are expected to fill out their reading journal.  This will be collected at the end of the unit.

Science Fair

Some of the students have asked for access to these documents at home, so I have uploaded them here for access anywhere.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We're Going To The Zoo!

When:          November 20, 2013
Where:         The Louisville Zoo
Time:            Leave school at 8:00am
                        Return to school at 3:30pm
(Students will need a ride home—there will be no afternoon bus service.  Students not being picked up by their parents will need a note informing us who will be picking them up)
Cost:              $20-money is due by 11/15

We need parent chaperones!  If you are interested in coming to the zoo with us, please email!

Parents need to up-to-date on their Safe Environment Training.  There will be some seats on the bus available for parent transportation, however parents are also able to drive themselves—there is no cost for parking.  The cost for the zoo ticket for chaperones is $7.