Monday, August 26, 2013

8/26 update

I have pushed the "Final Fact Sheet" due date to 9/3 (next Tuesday).  The students can use the extra weekend to make sure their answers are as complete as possible.

This week, we will continue working on matter.  We will expand to talking about volume, physical properties and chemical properties. 

As a reminder, the Decorated Box is still due on 8/30.

If any parents need to meet with all 4 teachers for Parent-Teacher conferences, please email me.  We are staying on September 10 & 11 until 6:30p.m.  We will do our best to accomodate all schedules.

Have a great week!

Friday, August 23, 2013


This week we have been learning about matter.  Specifically, we have been talking about density and volume.  We have completed several labs and the students are starting to understand what is involved in lab writing.  We will continue to work with matter and should have our first test in the next 2 weeks. 

The Brainstorming sheet for the Elements project was due today.  After receiving a grade, the students will be able to work on the Final Fact Sheet.  This final paper and the decorated box is due on 8/30.

Here are a few pictures of our adventures this week.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week of 8/12

Hello Parents and Students!

We have had a great 3 days of school so far!  We started off our Science experience by learning how to write procedures by trying to make some not-so-delicious PB&J sandwiches.  But, I think we all learned from our mistakes and we are now sandwich making professionals. :-)

This week in Science we will be discovering the Scientific Method and how to write lab reports.  As we go through the school year, all students will be required to complete a lab report for any activity we do in class.  To make sure everyone is prepared, we will be spending some time reviewing every category of the lab report.  I have attached a copy of the lab report so the parents can see what will be expected and the students can always access a blank copy if they happen to misplace their copy given in class.
Also this week, students will receive an assignment about the Periodic Table of Elements.  This project will last at least a week and the students will need to bring in an empty cereal box.  More details will be given in class.  The parents are invited to come see the end result, displayed in the classroom once the project is complete.

I think we are going to have a great year and I can't wait to see the students grow over the course of the year.  Don't forget to sign up below for e-mail notifications of this blog!  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Introduction Survey

Welcome back!  I have created a form that is an introduction to yourself.  There are many times this year that we will be using technology and I need to see what resources you have access to.  Please complete this form tonight for homework.